Czech Virtual Meeting – 19-21 April 2021
Once upon a time… In 2021, 19 to 21 April, we organized our one-off virtual project meeting which was organized and held in a unique way. According to the original concept, we would have travelled to the Czech Republic where we were planning to visit many natural landmarks as well as our partner school, where we were planning on observing P.E. lessons. We had to rethink our plans for the meeting, taking into account the virtual environment. As a result of this, we decided to organize the meeting online, in real time this year. We invited participants to a 3-day Microsoft Teams meeting where each partner country sent at least one group leader, one P.E. teacher and five students, meaning that the number of participants was between 50 and 65 people. In our group, more than one person accepted the role of the moderator, they helped team work in break out room-style channels. Our main goal was to make up for the Czech meeting that we had to postpone, which we achieved in a playful manner with the help of our students. The group leader teachers had...